Sunday, November 8, 2009

Meeting Joyce!

Joyce posted one of her crystal-clear comments on Always Learning, and I responded effusively. I figured I should share it here. The first part is another participant's comment, but the important part was Joyce's clarification.

" I would proudly declare that if I had girls they would not wear pink and would not play with Barbies."

Yep, I've heard people say that.

And can you imagine the reaction if some mom had proudly declared her
daughter would not wear blue and would not play with trucks!


Isn't Joyce clear and solid in her understanding of the logic behind why unschooling and mindful parenting work?
I'm stunned and glad when Joyce writes something as clear as she's written above.

It's likely that now that Joyce's daughter Kathryn is grown, Joyce might well gradually wander away from unschooling discussions. She might not, but her website will endure somewhere between "for a while" and "for a long time."

Still, what if you could look at her writings with her voice and her face in your mind? What if you'd get a chance to just hang out with her and eat, and maybe meet her husband and daughter?

That's one of the things this upcoming symposium in Santa Fe is about.
There's only one three-bedroom condo left in our set, but there are several one- and two-bedrooms left. Those are $79 or $99 a night, if you register before the end of November, and they're real dwelling places you could live in. Full kitchen, living room, fireplace, and my husband Keith and I will make sure you have some firewood and kindling and matches for those fireplaces.

The conference fee is $100 for one person, $150 for two, $180 for three, and $20 additional per family member after that. We will evening meals together. One will be a potluck. One night we'll play Apples to Apples and another night we'll have Show and Tell (potentially like a talent show, but no one needs literally to sing or dance).

More information is here:
and that has links to a blog with photos and to a registration page

I'm really looking forward to seeing Joyce again myself, but I promise not to hog her attention, so others can hang out with her.
